Ft. Worth, TX – March 9, 2017 – The World Conformation Horse Association is pleased to announce the Futurity Sire Bonus Award for the 2017 WCHA Breeders Championship and Big Money Halter Futurities.
$1,000 in cash will be awarded to the nominator of the stallion in both the WCHA and Big Money Halter Futurities with competing foals earning the most number of total points. Points to be awarded to nominated stallions dependent upon how his foals place in both the WCHA and Big Money Halter Futurities in competition September 23-24.
Each foal placing 1st in a class | 5 points |
Each foal placing 2nd in a class | 4 points |
Each foal placing 3rd in a class | 3 points |
Each foal placing 4th in a class | 2 points |
Each foal placing 5th in a class | 1 point |
EXAMPLE: Stallion A has four foals entered. One foal places first in its class; two foals place third in its class; and, one foal places fifth in its class. Total number of points for Stallion A=12 points.
Points will be tracked during Futurity competition for both the WCHA and Big Money Halter Futurities September 23-24, 2017 in Fort Worth, Texas. The Sire Bonus will pay $1,000 to the highest point earning nominated stallion in the WCHA Breeders Championship and $1,000 to the highest point earning nominated stallion in the Big Money Halter Futurities.
For stallion nomination forms, information or to check foal eligibility, visit www.conformationhorse.com or call the WCHA office at (682) 312-5356.
The World Conformation Horse Association is an organization which promotes and stimulates interest by providing competitive opportunities for enthusiasts of the conformation horse. The Association is committed to protecting, preserving and promoting the conformation standard of the horse and constantly pursuing growth in the industry.

Barbara Linke, Administrative Consultant